• Contributions Throughout the Years:

    Without your generous donations, we would not have been able to give over $120,000 in grants and scholarships over the past 15 years. We have also formed an Endowment account of over $280,000 towards future grants and scholarships. If you wish to donate to PV Classrooms, click on the “Donations & Tickets” button below. You may also consider purchasing a tile for our Legacy Wall… also by using the Donations & Tickets button. Thank you so much for your consideration.
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  • PV's New Look

    In the picture on the Homepage, the building on the left is the new Valhalla/Culinary Arts building. The middle building is the old Valhalla/new Admin building which now holds our Legacy (Tile) Wall. The building on the right is the existing Center for the Arts.
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  • Viking Pride Night

    Our VPN dinner this year brought in over $22,000 for PV classrooms. We honored three former PV students for their outstanding giving to PV and/or community projects: Dan Nugent, class of ’86, Loeta Oviedo Robles DDS, class of ’92, and Dorian Dodds DDS, class of ’92. We also honored local attorney Aaron Stewart for his pro bono assistance in making the PVHS Foundation an autonomous Non-Profit organization.
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  • Legacy Walk Becomes Legacy Wall

    The old Legacy Walkway has been changed to a Legacy Wall, using tiles, and moved to the front wall of the new Administration building (the old Valhalla). All previously purchased bricks have been changed to tiles and placed on our new wall. This new wall looks sharper and crisper and is in a perfect location for visibility.
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  • New Admin Building is the Old Valhalla

    Located between the new Valhalla (next to East Avenue) and the Center for the Arts building (which sits just west of the large gym), this building now houses the school Administration, Counseling offices, Office staff, the Nurses’ office, and the School Resources Officer. Outside (shown here) is the “Viking Country” sign, designed and painted by former Art teacher Ed Logan. It also shows the new “Legacy Wall,” an upgrade of the brick Legacy Walk.”
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Donate to Pleasant Valley High School Foundation


Throughout the last 17 years your Foundation has raised over a half million dollars in our endeavors for Pleasant Valley High School. The breakdown is: $305,000 placed and earned in our Endowment Fund; $134,000 given out in Grants to the classrooms; and just over 12% or $61,000 spent on Operations. The bulk of the money has come from Donations given by 211 individuals or families and 17 by businesses. WE NEED YOUR HELP to continue along this pathway. Please consider making a donation (see Donation box to the left) or by mailing a check to: PVHS Foundation, 1475 East Ave., Chico, CA 95926. It’s all tax deductible. Thank you for your gift!

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